Mondókák angolul járáshoz, meneteléshez
Jár a baba…, Sétálunk, sétálunk…, Aki nem lép egyszerre…. Ezeket a járás tanulásánál mondogatható dalokat, énekeket ismerjük magyarul. De mi a helyzet az angol változataikkal?
Az Angol Kalauz zárt csoportjában merült fel a kérdés (köszi Judit a felvetést 🙂 ), hogy milyen mondókák vannak angolul, amik járáshoz, meneteléshez mondogathatók.
Ezekből sikerült többet is összegyűjteni a tagok segítségével, és hogy ne vesszenek el, úgy döntöttem, hogy egy csokorba szedem őket:
Mondókák angolul járáshoz, meneteléshez
Járás közben mondható
March, march, head erect,
Left, right, that’s correct.
A Super Simple Learning megunhatatlan Walking, Walking dala
Walking walking. Walking walking.
Hop hop hop. Hop hop hop.
Running running running. Running running running.
Now let’s stop. Now let’s stop.
Walking walking. Walking walking.
Hop hop hop. Hop hop hop.
Running running running. Running running running.
Now let’s stop. Now let’s stop.
Tiptoe tiptoe. Tiptoe tiptoe.
Jump jump jump. Jump jump jump.
Swimming swimming swimming.
Now let’s sleep. Now let’s sleep.
Wake up!
It’s time to go!
Are you ready to go fast?
Walking walking. Walking walking.
Hop hop hop. Hop hop hop.
Running running running. Running running running.
Now let’s stop. Now let’s stop.
Walking walking. Walking walking.
Hop hop hop. Hop hop hop.
Running running running. Running running running.
Now let’s stop. Now let’s stop.
Walking, Walking egy másik kedves változatban
Walking, walking,
walking, walking.Hop, hop, hop.
hop, hop, hop.Running, running, running.
running, running, running.Now, let’s stop,
Up and down.
The ants go marching one by one
The ants go marching One by one
Hurrah.. hurrah..The ants go marching one by one
the little one stops to suck his thumbAnd they all go marching down to the ground
to get out of the rainBoom.. boom.. boom.. boom..
The ants go marching two by two
hurrah.. hurrah..The ants go marching two by two
the little one stops to tie his shoesAnd they all go marching down to the ground
to get out of the rainBoom.. boom.. boom.. boom..
the ants go marching three by three
hurrah.. hurrah..The ants go marching three by three
the little one stops to climb a treeAnd they all go marching down to the ground
to get out of the rainThe ants go marching four by four
hurrah.. hurrah..The ants go marching four by four
the little one stops to shut the doorAnd they all go marching down to the ground
to get out of the rainBoom.. boom.. boom.. boom..
The ants go marching five by five
hurrah.. hurrah..The ants go marching five by five
the little one stops to take a diveAnd they all go marching down to the ground
to get out of the rainBoom.. boom.. boom.. boom..
The ants go marching six by six
hurrah.. hurrah..The ants go marching six by six
the little one stops to pick up sticksAnd they all go marching down to the ground
to get out of the rainThe ants go marching seven by seven
hurrah.. hurrah..The ants go marching seven by seven
the little one stops to pray to heavenAnd they all go marching down to the ground
to get out of the rainThe ants go marching eight by eight
hurrah.. hurrah..The ants go marching eight by eight
the little one stops to roller-skateAnd they all go marching down to the ground
to get out of the rainThe ants go marching nine by nine
hurrah.. hurrah..The ants go marching nine by nine
the little one stops to check the timeAnd they all go marching down to the ground
to get out of the rainBoom.. boom.. boom.. boom..
The ants go marching ten by ten
hurrah.. hurrah..The ants go marching ten by ten
the little one stops to shout THE ENDAnd they all go marching down to the ground
to get out of the rainBoom.. boom.. boom.. boom..
The Grand Old Duke of York
Oh, The grand old Duke of York,
He had ten thousand men;
He marched them up to the top of the hill,
And he marched them down again.And when they were up, they were up,
And when they were down, they were down,
And when they were only half-way up,
They were neither up nor down.
This is the Way the Ladies Ride
Höcögtethetjük a babát a térdünkön, de akár menetelhetünk is különböző tempókban.
Még több mondókát és dalt találsz különböző témákban, ha a Kategóriák alatt a Mondókák, dalok címszót választod.
Vidám angolozást!
Kép: (vectorolie)
Fürész-Mayernik Melinda
Angol Kalauz program alapítója
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