Tavasszal ébred a természet, csiripelnek a madarak, virágoznak a fák és mindent átleng a tavasz, a virágok illata. Ilyenkor jobb kedvre derülünk, elmúlnak a zord, hűvös napok és vidámság lopódzik az emberek mindennapjaiba. Ezt még jobban feldobhatjuk, ha énekelünk, mókázunk. Gyűjtöttem már ehhez tavaszi meséket és dalokat is, most pedig itt a folytatás! A tavaszi dalok 2. része 🙂
Kezdésnek: FUN Spring Song
I can see a rainbow,
I can hear the bees,
I can feel the wind,
Spring is here!
I can see the butterflies,
I can hear the frogs,
I can feel the sun,
Spring is here!
Goodbye winter, hello spring,
A new start for everything,
Goodbye snow, hello sun,
Letʼs go outside and have some fun.
I can see the cherry trees,
I can hear the birds,
I can smell the flowers,
Spring is here!
I have a runny nose,
I have itchy eyes,
I have hay fever,
Spring is here! ACHOO!!!
Goodbye winter, hello spring,
A new start for everything,
Goodbye snow, hello sun,
Letʼs go outside and have some fun,
Letʼs go outside and have some fun,
Letʼs go outsiiiiiiiiide, and have some FUN!
Spring is Here, még mindig 🙂 Felirattal!
Spring is here, spring is here,
The flowers, the trees,
The birds and the bees.
Spring is here, spring is here,
Everything is in bloom.
The grass is green.
The air is clean.
The birds are singing a song.
A warm, spring day,
All I can say,
I wait for spring all year long.
Spring song
There’s birds and bees,
There’s chirping in the trees,
Flowers first blooms outside,
The weather’s getting nice,
Melts the snow and ice,
Bye-bye wintertime!
Spring is springing all around!
Sweet, sweet spring has sprung,
Sweet, sweet springtime,
Bringing on the fun times,
Sweet, sweet spring has sprung…
Spring has sprung,
Up sprang sweet spring,
Sweet, sweet spring,
Makes me wanna’ sing,
Spring has sprung,
Up sprang sweet spring,
What’s spring season gonna’ bring?
Longer, warmer days,
Raindrops and sunny rays,
Buds burst into leaves,
Gloves and boots away,
Let’s go out and play,
In the tall-green trees!
Spring is springing all around!
Sweet, sweet spring has sprung,
Sweet, sweet springtime,
Bringing on the fun times,
Sweet, sweet spring has sprung…
Spring has sprung,
Up sprang sweet spring,
Sweet, sweet spring,
Makes me wanna’ sing,
Spring has sprung,
Up sprang sweet spring,
What’s spring season gonna’ bring?
Springtime can’t be beat,
Breezes blowing sweet,
Springtime sunshine shines,
Living things come out,
Running all about,
Next comes summer time!
Spring is springing all around!
Sweet, sweet spring has sprung,
Sweet, sweet springtime,
Bringing on the fun times,
Sweet, sweet spring has sprung…
Cold, cold winter time
Then comes springtime,
Followed by summer’s sun…
Cold, cold wintertime
Then comes springtime,
Followed by summer’s fun…
Summer brings the fun times,
Fun time’s summer time,
The season after spring…
Next comes summer time,
Summer summer’s fun time,
What’s it gonna’ bring?
Spring song – Ez is a kislányom egyik kedvence, nagyon kedves dallamával egyből a fületekbe fog mászni 🙂
Spring, spring is here,
Spring, smell the flowers,
Spring, play outside!
Spring, spring, spring. (ismétlés)
S – Gimme me the sunshine.
P – Peas in a pod.
R – Rain just a little.
I – I’m in a good mood.
N – New life growing.
G – Get in the groove.
S-P-R-I-N-G, spring.
Everybody’s feeling fine.
I see sunshine in your eyes.
Everybody’s feeling fine it’s
Spring ….
The flowers are blooming,
Colours all around.
Spring buds are shooting
up from the ground.
The birds are singing
their favourite song.
New life has just begun it’s
További dalok, mesék:
>>> Tavaszi mesék
>>> Tavaszi dalok 1.
Have fun! 🙂
Kép forrása: www.freedigitalphotos.net (Feelart)