A húsvét remek alkalom arra, hogy húsvéti dalokat énekeljünk, különösen a nyuszis dalok fognak nagy sikert aratni a kicsiknél. Ezeknek a nagy előnye, hogy fülbemászó dallamuk miatt azonnal megmaradnak a picik fejében a cselekvések, amiket közben csinálni lehet. A mozgással összekapcsolt dalok könnyebben rögzülnek, a megértést is segítik s szórakozva lehet elsajátítani a szókincset angolul.
Bunny songs – Nyuszis dalok
The Way the Bunny Hops
This is the way the bunny hops, hop hop hop, hop
hop, hop, hop
This is the way the bunny hops on Easter day
This is the way he wiggles his nose, wiggle. wiggle, wiggle, wiggle
wiggle, wiggle, wiggle
This is the way the bunny wiggles his nose on Easter day
This is the way he flops his ears, flop, flop, flop. flop
flop, flop, flop
This is the way he flops his ears on Easter day
This is the way he shakes his tail, shake, shake, shake, shake
shake, shake, shake
This is the way he shakes his tail on Easter day
This is the way the bunny hops, hop hop, hop, hops
hop, hop, hop
This is the way the bunny hops on Easter day
On Easter day
Five Little Bunnies – Ugrálós dalocska, amit könnyen eljátszhattok plüss nyuszikkal is.
Hippety hop and hippety hay,
Five little bunnies went out to play.
Hippety hop and hippety hay,
One little bunny hopped away.
How many bunnies are left?
Hippety hop and hippety hay,
Four little bunnies went out to play.
Hippety hop and hippety hay,
One little bunny hopped away.
How many bunnies are left now?
Hippety hop and hippety hay,
Three little bunnies went out to play.
Hippety hop and hippety hay,
One little bunny hopped away.
Now, how many bunnies are there?
Hippety hop and hippety hay,
Two little bunnies went out to play.
Hippety hop and hippety hay,
One little bunny hopped away.
How many bunnies are left now?
Hippety hop and hippety hay,
One little bunny went out to play.
Hippety hop and hippety hay,
All the bunnies have hopped away.
Oh, I hope they all come back to play.
BUNNY song (a BINGO dal mintájára)
There is a rabbit with a pink nose, floppy ears and a fluffy tail
and Bunny is his name-O
and bunny is his name-o
There is a rabbit with a pink nose, floppy ears and a fluffy tail
and Bunny is his name-O
(taps) U-N-N-Y
(taps) U-N-N-Y
and bunny is his name-o
There is a rabbit with a pink nose, floppy ears and a fluffy tail
and Bunny is his name-O
(taps) (taps) N-N-Y
(taps) (taps) N-N-Y
(taps) (taps) N-N-Y
and bunny is his name-o
There is a rabbit with a pink nose, floppy ears and a fluffy tail
and Bunny is his name-O
(taps) (taps) (taps) N-Y
(taps) (taps) (taps) N-Y
(taps) (taps) (taps) N-Y
and bunny is his name-o
There is a rabbit with a pink nose, floppy ears and a fluffy tail
and Bunny is his name-O
(taps) (taps) (taps) (taps)-Y
(taps) (taps) (taps) (taps)-Y
(taps) (taps) (taps) (taps)-Y
and bunny is his name-o
There is a rabbit with a pink nose, floppy ears and a fluffy tail
and Bunny is his name-O
(taps) (taps) (taps) (taps) (taps)
(taps) (taps) (taps) (taps) (taps)
(taps) (taps) (taps) (taps) (taps)
and bunny is his name-o
Here Comes Peter Cottontail
Here comes Peter Cottontail
Hoppin’ down the bunny trail
Hippity hoppin’, Easter’s on its way
Bringin’ every girl and boy
Baskets full of Easter joy
Things to make your Easter bright and gay
He’s got jelly beans for Tommy
Colored eggs for sister Sue
There’s an orchid for your mommy
And an Easter bonnet too
Oh! here comes Peter Cottontail
Hoppin’ down the bunny trail
Hippity hoppity, happy Easter Day
Here comes Peter Cottontail
Hoppin’ down the bunny trail
Hippity hoppin’, Easter’s on its way
Try to do the things you should
Maybe if you’re extra good
He’ll roll lots of Easter eggs your way
You’ll wake up on Easter mornin’
And you’ll know that he was there
When you find those chocolate bunnies
That he’s hiding everywhere
Oh! here comes Peter Cottontail
Hoppin’ down the bunny trail
Hippity hoppity, happy Easter Day
Hippity hoppity, happy Easter Day
Egy igazi táncolós ugrabugrálós nyuszis dal a Bounce Patrol Kids csapatától: Easter Bunny Bop
Have fun! 🙂